Nina Melero is a Spanish writer living in Southeast Asia.

She currently directs the Spanish Department at the National University of Singapore.

Nina Melero is the author of five works of fiction. Her novel Archipiélago (Contraluz, 2021) topped the best sellers rank in the genre of nautical adventures shortly after publication, receiving a warm welcome by the public. Another of her novels, Ella y el faro (Nazarí, 2020), was shortlisted for the ‘Premio Nadal’, one of the oldest and most prestigious literary awards in Spain.

Nina Melero is a member of the Spanish Geographic Society. She works on diverse projects related to literature and exploration. Her research on nomadic peoples led her to participate in several expeditions on board traditional vessels through Indonesia and the Philippines. She has been awarded with the bursary for artists by The Arctic Circle and will take part in their 2024 project on the Arctic Circle.

Nina Melero received the 2011 UNESCO-Aschberg Bursary for writers and was a fellow at the Civitella Ranieri Foundation (Umbria) that same year. She was also invited to participate as a resident writer in the International Writers Residency Programme at Ledig House Centre (New York, 2012).


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