Ella y el Faro

They say that it is easier to forgive the dead than to tolerate the living. That might be true. What is certain is that everything becomes complicated when there ceases to be a clear difference between the two.

She knows this. And yet, in spite of this, she decides to return to the lighthouse. Its blackish mass of ruins remains standing, though the villagers try not to get too close; everyone was raised on stories of sunken villages, lost souls and mysterious shipwrecks. It is easy to become obsessed, but she isn’t about to let herself be swept up in the tide: rather, she plans to cling tightly to the ropes, to the good that may be in that lighthouse and to the memory of her father.

ella y el faro nina melero


Review by Cuadernos del Sur,
February 13, 2021

Nina Melero by Boban James